I am blessed to have an amazing best friend who just happens to be my husband. He is a wonderful, respectful, hard working, supportive, beautiful man, but he does have one addiction. My husband is addicted to Call of Duty on his X-Box. He has the head-set and plays with other random peeps along with his good friends; also my nephew who I must say kicks major butt on that game. I don't understand the game and I don't pretend to; I actually like video games, but army games are not my forte. The players also have funny nicknames on the game as well; I saw 'CupcakeKilla' one night and really wanted to chat with them, but husband wasn't keen since they were on the opposite team. Maybe he thought I would give away military secrets. You will randomly hear odd nicknames called out during these times of war in our living room. Usually in anger or frustration, occasionally with war cries of victory.
After a long fun day at the bakeshop, I came home to him hooked up to the X-Box, fully engaged in saving the world. We mimed 'I love yous' and I started handling some business. Now during these war trials, you will often hear husband make various sounds, i.e. 'Oh My Gosh', 'How many times do I have to kill him?!', 'ARGGGH (which is preceded by a long blowing out of breath); you get the general idea. I am used to hearing these noises, knowing that I am not a part of the conversation; sort of like when someone you are around has their bluetooth in and you have no clue if they are really on the phone or actually talking to you. So, I tuck into the kitchen table to eat some eggs that I fixed after my workout (BLAH!) and I am kind of listening to the war saga, but my brain is kind of thinking of all the things that I need to do tomorrow. Husband is chatting with his friends via his X-Box telemarketer-esque head-set and I just happen to tune in long enough to hear him say "I just killed Fozzie Bear".
Friends, can I just tell you that I completely lost it. I was laughing so hard and it was an instantaneous laugh without control. Husband said this like I would say "Did you happen to get the mail?" No emotion, just simple fact. He had killed Fozzie Bear. Kermit is going to be terribly upset.
Peace & Love,
I hope to be in your shop soon! I have some birthdays coming up and want to get some cupcakes.....this could be dangerous though
Hysterical and such a vivid description! Literally made me laugh out loud. : )
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