Happy Sunday loves!! I am trying to remain calm this beautiful Sunday afternoon because Monday morning BabyCakes Cupcakes has been invited to Good Morning Kentucky. It is an amazing opportunity and we feel very blessed, but I am extremely nervous about it. Husband is not able to appear with me and him being there would have made me feel less nervous. I am the spaz and he is the grounded one in our little family. Plus, I don't really do the make-up thing; not well anyway. Nor the hair thing, so I am in for a double whammy. I am determined to pull up my big girl panties and try to represent our little cupcake shoppe as well as possible. All while not throwing up on the host of Good Morning Kentucky because while that makes for gossip-worthy TV, it is not the image I would like to convey for our cupcakes. So, if you are watching tomorrow morning, please send me some good, calming vibes and if possible, push some Valium through your TV set.
Peace & Love,
Really?! I can't imagine you would ever be nervous. You seem so laid back and are always so cheerful! I didn't get to read your post in time to watch you but I'm going to see if I can find you online.
By the way, I can't get your red velvet cupcakes out of my head!!
I am very laid back. I am the free spirit in the family and husband grounds me; that is my 'spazziness'. I have never been very good with cameras; they make me nervous for some reason. We had a great time though! It wasn't as bad as I thought. Come get some red velvet soon and bring your baby(s)!!!
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