So, I have been sitting here staring at a blank new posting page debating whether to blog about a blog that said some not-so-nice blog things about our little shoppe. The words were not terrible, but just enough to sting. I have decided to take the high road because if I blog about these things then I would be no better than the people who originally blogged them (did I say 'blog' enough?!) I will say this, when you say or write things with ulterior motives the universe pays you back ten fold and not in the happy-rainbow kind of way. Sooooo....on to fun, yummy cupcake news.
We recently did Taste of the Bluegrass which was an absolute blast! I was a little intimated at first. Here I was, surrounded by all the big name restaurants in town with their amazing graphics and tables set-up beautifully. I walk in with a pink polka-doted table cloth, some roses and a nervous/excited smile. I was alone at our station for awhile, but I felt very 'responsible', which isn't a feeling that I have very often. EVERYONE was so amazing; the vendors that surrounded us were beyond sweet and very helpful considering they had attended this event before. BabyCakes Cupcakes' table was right beside Acres of Land Winery (heaven) and I must say that their Cabernet Sauvignon was the best that I have had in a very long time. They also have a blackberry wine which I am seriously considering for a new cocktail cake; it sounds divine to me. I met so many amazing people; some had heard of us and some had not. My lovely friend Sarah Pratt (master stylist extraordinaire at the Coloroom) joined me looking fabulously adorable and we began handing cupcakes to the masses. We ran out of cupcakes, which I whole-heartedly apologize, at around 9:00 allowing Sarah and I to weave our way through the vendors. Let me tell you friends, Lexington has some wonderful local food and drinks available. I have no clue why you would ever visit a big chain restaurant in this town, when there are so many great, talented, hard working people bustin' their butts. Saul Good was particularly kind and gracious to us that night and I thanked them by giving their staff chocolate bourbon cupcakes. Me and Mrs. Pratt ended our night by dancing like it was 1999, very happy with our first showing at Taste of the Bluegrass. I have lots of great ideas for next year and hopefully our adorable spokesmodel will join me for that round as well.
I was also contacted by a lovely lady from Prep Magazine. I had no clue what Prep Magazine was before she called, but it is a food service quarterly magazine and she is the writer that gets to cover all the wonderful going-on's around Kentucky's food scene. So, she is doing a little story about BabyCakes Cupcakes and I feel very blessed that she contacted us. I feel a little weepy thinking that my 'baby' is growing up but I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished in two months. I can't wait to see our shoppe a year from now; hopefully very grown up and expanded with actual tables to eat cupcakes upon and a lovely tea/coffee service surrounded by comfy couches and access to the courtyard out back. Ohhhh to dream...
Peace & Love,
What? Negative words? Never! They're just wrong. Enough said. I'm so glad to hear Taste of the Bluegrass was such a success. My husband and I try to ward off chain restaurants as much as possible but it never hurts to have a little reminder to support local businesses! If your helper backs out next year, you can always count on this gal to help you out! That'd be fantastic. Congrats on the upcoming article as well.
You are so sweet Danielle! Hopefully we will be so big that I will need multiple helpers!!
Best of luck to you all, as hard as it maybe sometimes, think of all the positive feedback and comments that you get. This is my third year in business, and yes it still stings to hear that someone does not like your product. but we have far more good comments than bad, and this is learning process. Hope to meet you guys.
james Brown ( another bakery owner)
Best of luck to you all, as hard as it maybe sometimes, think of all the positive feedback and comments that you get. This is my third year in business, and yes it still stings to hear that someone does not like your product. but we have far more good comments than bad, and this is learning process. Hope to meet you guys.
james Brown ( another bakery owner)
Best of luck to you all, as hard as it maybe sometimes, think of all the positive feedback and comments that you get. This is my third year in business, and yes it still stings to hear that someone does not like your product. but we have far more good comments than bad, and this is learning process. Hope to meet you guys.
james Brown ( another bakery owner)
Best of luck to you all, as hard as it maybe sometimes, think of all the positive feedback and comments that you get. This is my third year in business, and yes it still stings to hear that someone does not like your product. but we have far more good comments than bad, and this is learning process. Hope to meet you guys.
james Brown ( another bakery owner)
So hugely proud of you and happy to see your dreams coming true. : )
I'm totally in next year! What a BLAST!!
I have a bakery in Lexington too but I have been reading your blog for some time now. Don't pay any attention to the haters! Your shop, logo, and cupcakes are awesome!
Thanks to everyone for their uber-sweet comments!!!! It means the world to know we have such great people backing our little shoppe. XOXO ~ t
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