I have been sloshing new cupcake ideas around in my head lately and I am feeling the retro vibe. I can remember certain cake flavors that were a stable around my grandmother's house when I was a small tike and I think it would be fun to put a new twist on old standbys. So, in my search for 1940/1950/1960's bake goods, I have come across some crazy grossness. I'm not sure if people just didn't have access to amazing ingredients or if they actually enjoyed these items, but I had to share them with you readers.
Item one, Maids of Honour. Now by the name you would think that these little delicacies would be yummy, light and wonderful; invoking ideas of romance and love. Oh dear friends, let me just say two words....mashed potatoes. Actually the recipe said a 'heaped tablespoon of mashed potatoes', in addition to puff pastry, lemon, nutmeg, cottage cheese and ground almonds. Seriously, I want to get sick just typing it. Item two, Tomato Soup Cake. Not only is a can of tomato soup added, but also lard, just for good measure, plus cloves, nutmeg, raisins and walnuts. Item three, Mayonnaise Cake. Now I realize that mayonnaise is used for everything under the sun and most of the time it is wonderful. Now is not one of those times. The recipe calls for mayonnaise and cold coffee. I'll repeat that ....mayonnaise and cold coffee. Baked. Together. I even found a cure for pneumonia which used lard and turpentine; let's all pause for a moment of silence to remember all of the poor pneumonia suffers of bygone years. It has become clear to me why Duncan Hines made a fortune back in the day and I truly believe that he may have saved a ton of people from food poisoning.
Suffice to say, the previous gems won't make it into BabyCakes Cupcakes lineup, but I do plan on having some cool flavors that will make you sigh and say "I remember when..". I would also like to apologize if anyone happened to be eating while reading this post.
Peace & Love,
Yuck! But I'll tell you what's not yuck, your cupcakes! Seriously, you've stepped up your game my friend and you icing is not my all-time favorite of anywhere, anyplace, anytime! I'm sure it's those organic ingredients (: And my husband went on and on about the chocolate one and how moist and delicious it was - a real compliment coming from an otherwise mute in the ooshy gooshy department.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions too. I've just always think about small bakeries when I'm buying my ingredients at the grocery and wonder if you're getting them there too. That's one question I don't have to wonder about anymore - thanks!
Since I'm not readdicted to your cupcakes, I'll be back sooner rather than later!
You are always so sweet Danielle! It was great seeing you in the shoppe again. I love seeing everyone who visits, but you and Melanie Mauer always put an extra smile on my face. I thought you might get a kick out of this blog entry. ; )
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