Well friends, it is the most joyous of holiday seasons. I truly love this time of year; everyone smiles a little more, gives a little more, rejoices a little more. There are many who say that this season is over commercialized and they would be right, but we must remember where we live. It is our nature as Americans to over commercialize, to push every boundary and live out the American dream, which unfortunately is typically tied to monetary gain. Thus, we are bombarded with holiday sales, the crazy Lexus commercials portraying the luxury car adorned with the big red bow, told every Kiss begins with Kay and so on and so on. You can choose to be disenchanted with the holiday for these reasons or you can choose to find the miracles that this season always produces. As with everything, it is all in where you look either with your eyes, your heart or your spirit. For example, Patricia and Joseph Busenhart are using their limousine service to give children a little extra joy this year. They are giving some very deserving kids a ride that they may never have had in life and they are doing this because it is the right thing to do. They are not promoting themselves or doing this to gain business. It is simply out of love and being able to help your fellow soul.
We had a lovely young lady come in recently who needed some cupcakes for her friend who was Jewish. Our lovely lady was not Jewish herself, but she wanted to bring cupcakes to her friends celebration, so we did a little research in order to decorate the goodies in true Hanukkah fashion. She wanted her friend to know that she loved her and was a part of their family regardless of religious beliefs. I thought that was so telling and wonderful.
Our dear friend Morgan has created a blog based on her passion and desire for filling her life with adventure and love. Her project starts in the New Year and not only will it enrich her life, but I have no doubt that fellow bluegrassians will read her blog and fall in love with their home all over again. I feel that this is a gift to all of us. I know that I personally, take my wonderful home for granted and sometimes it takes a new voice to remind us how fortunate we are to live in a beautiful place.
A dear sister-friend of mine was recently approached by an old deaf gentleman selling handmade wooden placks that simply read 'Jesus Loves You' for $1.00. My dear sweet friend bought one of these placks with a $5.00 bill and told the gentleman to please keep the change. The old man looked at her, tears welling in his eyes and was shocked that someone would be generous. To this man, four extra dollars was equivalent to a million extra dollars. Just simple kindness changed his holiday season.
I could go on and on, but the point is that you can always find miracles in everyday actions. It may not seem like a miracle to you or even that huge of a deal, but to someone else, it may change their world. So, yes this season is commercialized, but I do believe that the human race still holds the true meaning of this season in their hearts and not their wallets. So with that being said, I want to wish all of you the happiest of Christmases, Hanukkahs and Kwanzaas from the entire BabyCakes Cupcakes family. We love you all and know that each of you will have a peaceful, joyous and loving holiday season.
Peace & Love,
1 comment:
Thanks for a great, uplifting post. I admit I'm one of those who is tired of the commmercialism and feel the need to get back to the meaning of Christmas. I think you're right that it is in most Americans but it's just a matter of digging it out and bringing it to the surface. Here's hoping your post does just that! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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