Monday, May 18, 2009

Remaining Calm

All went well on Good Morning Kentucky 36 today. I did not pass out, or throw up, or stutter, or say non appropriate words or fall down. It was a very fun time and the people at WTVQ were wicked awesome and very sweet. I can't say that I would be that nice at 5:50 a.m. everyday, but they were amazing. My 'free spirited spazziness' remained in check and I think that the cupcakes spoke for themselves.

Here is the link if you would like to check us out:

Have a beautiful Monday dolls!

Peace & Love,


Danielle said...

Yay! You did great. Thanks for posting the link. I looked for it earlier but couldn't find it. I hope you get lots of business as your payment for having to get up at 5am!!

Stephanie said...

Being on TV is terrifying (been there, didn't enjoy it), so well-done with the cupcake presentation! I look forward to trying some of the delectable sweets Baby Cakes offers. :)

Unknown said...

yay, tricia!! so cute!

BabyCakes Cupcakes said...

Thanks Melanie, Stephanie and Danielle! I am so not a morning person, but I had a great time regardless. Everyone was so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 5:00. I was in awe!

Stephanie said...

The cupcakes last night were a hit (especially the strawberry)! Everyone asked where they came from so I sent them your way. I'm hoping it'll mean more business for you. :)